It’s ILLEGAL To Mow Your Lawn In Southern Utah Outside Of These Hours..
It's springtime and it is starting to warm up nicely in Southern Utah. Everything blooming is causing allergies and now some early birds think that 6:30am is a great time to get outside and mow their lawns......I assure you IT IS NOT!
In general in Cedar City, the noise regulation prohibits loud noise at night between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The regulation also sets limits for extremely loud noise during daytime hours. You can see more info click here:➡ Cedar City Utah
In St George, the amended ordinance will limit nighttime noise levels between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. Sound is limited to 50 A-weighted decibels (dBA), which is comparable to a quiet conversation. Find out more here: ➡ STG
You hear that neighbors? NOTHING BEFORE 7AM And if you want to be a REALLY great neighbor, you will wit till at least 8am. I need at least one day a week that I get to sleep in. It's a NEED.
I am very lucky that I live in a place where my neighbors are at least a couple of acers away, but I remember living in downtown St. George, just a block south of the Temple and I had not 1 but 2 neighbors that wanted to do all of their yardwork between 6-8am.
Obviously in mid-summer between those times is when you will survive while doing a little yardwork without sweating to death. But might I suggest zero-scaping. You can even get rebates for doing so! Check out the details here:➡ Water Efficient Landscaping
If you have great neighbors, go tell them THANK YOU! If you don't, Be nice. Kindness will definitely go further than complaining.

Is America's FAVORITE Grocery Store FINALLY Coming to Southern Utah?
Studies were done, and we found out that we are missing out as much as we thought. Southern Utah's FOMO is valid.
On solitaired.com/worst-and-best-grocery-stores-in-america they showed the results of several of their studies on the best and worst grocery stores in America and not one time did a Utah grocery store make any of the lists.
I am really glad that we didn't make the top 10 worst categories but we didn't have any grocery stores make it on the top 10 best lists either.
The grocery store that DOMINATED the best lists, is none other than...
Trader Joe's! We're talking almost a clean sweep. 9/10 of the top grocery stores in the nation were Trader Joe's. Woah! Those are some great stats!
The ranks were based on star ratings and the number of reviews for each grocery store.
So, besides those delicious Joe-Joe's and Chili & Lime Flavored Rolled Corn Tortilla Chips, Trader Joe's knocks customer service and customer satisfaction out of the park.
SOUTHERN UTAH WANTS A TRADER JOE'S! Northern Utah has three so far, (which didn't make any list BTW) and Southern Utah would be more vocal about how they love Trader Joe's. We deserve one! The plus is, that the corporation already knows and does business in Utah.
How many more people do we need to move in, to make this happen? What is the metric? Their management said they don't have a formula or a demographic requirement....I'm sure there is something we can do to sway the vote. Right now we travel a lot of miles to the Las Vegas Trader Joe's, to get cheese and cookies. Chant with me, TRADER JOE'S, TRADER JOE'S, TRADER JOE'S!
Do you think it worked? Maybe if we ALL cross our fingers? It has to be in the works, right? There have been so many rumors that I have to believe somewhere some executives have HAD to talk about it, but nothing has come to fruition. If you have any great ideas to make it happen, let me know. We love you Trader Joe's. ♥