Subaru Puts Southern Utah in the Spotlight with New Commercial
I'm sitting here at my house watching some TV when I spotted a Subaru commercial that looked strangely familiar! The commercial was for the Subaru Crosstrek. Subaru described it as "Limits are meant to be pushed. In this action-filled commercial, a young couple explores the far reaches of adventure in the Subaru Crosstrek Wilderness and discovers what happens when you do push past your limits. Along the way, their Crosstrek tackles rugged terrain and shows just how thrilling adventure on the edge can be."
How many of these places can you spot in this commercial?
Sand Hollow State Park:
Of course, the most recognizable part of the commercial is here at Sand Hollow State Park! We recognize the water, the red rocks, and of course... You can see Molly's Nipple in the distance! Judging by how theres NOBODY out on the lake, this had to be shot in probably November or December! That water was probably freezing!
Slot Canyon:
This one I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA where this is! I'm not a rock climber or a fan of tight canyons, so I need help on this one! Where was this scene shot?
Mountains & Hills:
This part, I'm really not sure on. It looks like it's probably out in Warner Valley, where they've been shooting the Horizon Trilogy. I definitely spotted Pine Valley though, so I know it's in Washington County somewhere!
This part with the cows looks like it's somewhere near Toquerville or the Black Ridge? Am I wrong? Is this near Snow Canyon State Park? I'm really struggling placing this part!
The full commercial can be seen here: