Shining A Festive Spotlight On Cedar City’s Christmas Lights
It’s that time of year for communities across the country and well, the world really, to be lit up for the holidays.
According to the Library of Congress, “Thomas Edison, the inventor of the first successful practical light bulb, created the very first strand of electric lights. During the Christmas season of 1880, these strands were strung around the outside of his Menlo Park Laboratory. Railroad passengers traveling by the laboratory got their first look at an electrical light display. But it would take almost forty years for electric Christmas lights to become the tradition that we all know and love.”
Before Christmas lights were invented, people would light their Christmas trees with candles, which, you know, isn’t a great idea. The Library of Congress states that “Edward H. Johnson put the very first string of electric Christmas tree lights together in 1882. Johnson, Edison’s friend and partner in Edison’s Illumination Company, hand-wired 80 red, w, and blue light bulbs and wound them around his Christmas tree. Not only was the tree illuminated with electricity, but it also revolved.”
It wouldn’t be until the early 1900s before Christmas lights would be available for everyone to buy.
The Library of Congress says “While Thomas Edison and Edward H. Johnson may have been the first to create electric strands of light in 1880/1882, it was Albert Sadacca who saw a future in selling electric Christmas lights. The Sadacca family owned a novelty lighting company and in 1917 Albert, a teenager at the time, suggested that its store offer brightly colored strands of Christmas lights to the public.”
So, now that we know a bit more about Christmas lights, let’s take a look at Cedar City’s Christmas lights.
Located near Southern Utah University and Downtown Cedar City:
Located on Leigh Hill:
The "Griswold" Neighborhood (506 South 75 East)