What is this one of those 80's movies about the future? Demolition Man or the other one?

I wanna go back to the days where the only kid in school who had a phone was Zack Morris and he also had the power to call a timeout, give some exposition, collect himself and move on with harassing Principal Belding.

Nowadays kids are given a phone in the womb so they can watch Bluey during the boring parts of the third trimester.

Utah wants to put an end to that. We're sick of kids not listening to us at the dinner table.


"Lawmakers on Utah's Capitol Hill advanced a bill that would require digital app stores to verify the ages of users in an effort to protect underage Utahns from accessing potentially harmful content and having personal data collected by apps.

The bill is similar to the state's previous attempts to require age verification on social media platforms, though several opponents said the bill opens kids and families to even more invasive data collection while potentially violating constitutional free speech protections."

The internet can be a shocking place like when your dad sneezes.

We must protect our children from the Temu.

Senator Todd Weiler said: (LINK TO FULL ARTICLE)

"You would never let your child or your grandchild enter into a legally binding contract, and yet, we parents are doing this every day by allowing our children to carry around smartphones with apps that can be easily downloaded."

I agree. Take the phones away give em a Tamagotchi.

5 Movies You Didn't Know Were Filmed at Utah's Lagoon Amusement Park

Lagoon Park in Farmington, UT isn't just a great roadtrip destination for Idaho families looking to ride coasters and splash down waterslides. It's also been a destination for filmmakers!

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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