“SO OFFENSIVE” Bumper Sticker in Utah Stirs Controversy…
I always understood it that bumper stickers were invented back in the 50's when people wanted to express their support for President Eisenhower. And they wanted to support Eisenhower because he was the one who helped beat the fascist scum in Europe. And back then if you wanted to be president you dang well better have worn the uniform whereas nowadays most presidents grew up playing Nintendo and smoking pot in their grandma's basement.
Anyway, bumper stickers actually started before Ike.
According to CarStickers.com: (full article)
"A man named Ray Stanton Avery is often credited with the creation of the modern day sticker because he created the first pressure sensitive labels. Shortly after Avery created the first commercial labels the bumper sticker was born. With the creation of pressure sensitive labels and the wider use of bumpers on cars - a man named Forrest P. Gill who lived in Kansas City, MO, created custom bumper stickers! In the 1940’s he took adhesive backed paper and fluorescent paint and combined them to create what was essentially the first ever bumper sticker. Back then they called this creation “bumper strips”! "
A lot of people have bumper stickers in Utah and more and more of them these days are expressing things about Californians.
This one was posted by u/klayanderson on Reddit:
Basically, "Californians, butt-out at PTA meetings."
If you're a Utahn where do you stand on this public display of telling Californians to pipe down? Are you a bumper sticker person? Are you offended by this if you are a Californian?
Let me know in the comments!
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Gallery Credit: Jesse James