SURVIVOR! Utah Principal Chosen for New Season
Do you still watch Survivor? I know a lot of people have fallen off the path but I started watching again a couple of years ago and now I'm back to being addicted. The seasons are shorter, the episodes move faster, and the contestants are nicer.
The fact that the contestants are nicer is actually bad for the show. There's less drama because everybody takes the game less personally and they applaud backstabbing and betrayal. In the old days, when a contestant was blindsided they were out for blood. Not anymore.
So it will be interesting to see how Sean Edwards, a 35-year-old elementary school principal from Provo, Utah gets along in the new season. The whole Beehive State will be cheering him on.
Edwards has said that coming out as a homosexual in a "conservative community taught me grit, mental tenacity. Those are the attributes that you need to have on Survivor, (Gephardt Daily, full article)
When Edwards was interviewed by EW.com he had this to say about his personality:
"When people first meet me, they often make assumptions. Almost everyone thinks I am younger than I really am. There was a time in my life when I was a high school vice principal and parents and visitors thought I was the student body president. So, people are always surprised to learn that I am so accomplished in my education and career. I'm not just here for a good time, I am goal driven and a natural leader," (ew.com)
Good luck, Sean!