Michael Jordan

WOW: 11 Celebrities That Have Called Utah “Home”!
WOW: 11 Celebrities That Have Called Utah “Home”!
WOW: 11 Celebrities That Have Called Utah “Home”!
If you're reading this, there's a GOOD CHANCE that you call Utah "home". You probably see the beauty in the state and know that it's a wonderful place to live and raise a family. A lot of the time, Utah is the butt of the joke, though. But to THESE celebrities...
HUGE Celebrities You’d NEVER GUESS Live In Utah!
HUGE Celebrities You’d NEVER GUESS Live In Utah!
HUGE Celebrities You’d NEVER GUESS Live In Utah!
If you're reading this, there's a GOOD CHANCE that you call Utah "home". You probably see the beauty in the state and know that it's a wonderful place to live and raise a family. A lot of the time, Utah is the butt of the joke, though. But to THESE celebrities...
That Time Tina Turner Crossed Paths With The Utah Jazz!
That Time Tina Turner Crossed Paths With The Utah Jazz!
That Time Tina Turner Crossed Paths With The Utah Jazz!
Wednesday, it was announced that Tina Turner passed away at the age of 83 after a "long illness." I, for one, am a MASSIVE Tina Turner fan. My mom is a giant fan as well, that's where I got my love for Tina. Here's an INCREDIBLY COOL story about Tina Turner in Salt Lake City in 1997...
DJ’s Super Honest MOVIE REVIEW: Air
DJ’s Super Honest MOVIE REVIEW: Air
DJ’s Super Honest MOVIE REVIEW: Air
Look in your closet. You probably have a pair. Maybe Two. For me... I have at least 20 pair. Nike Shoes. They're USUALLY the only shoes I wear, and that's been my WHOLE LIFE!  But there was a time when Nike WAS NOT a household name. The...