BYU May Be Rated Poorly in The New College Football Game
Often times, people turn to video games to escape reality.
Why worry about paying your rent when you can rescue princesses, defeat monsters or ride through the wild west?
Sports have been an absolute staple of gaming tracing back to its humble beginnings.
In the late 50’s a fellow by the name of William Higinbotham concocted a “Tennis for Two” game on an oscilloscope (I don’t know what it is either).
Business Insider states that it “may have also been the first video game ever.”
Sports have always had gaming, and gaming has always had sports.
If there’s a mainstream sport it more likely than not has an official video game.
If its not a mainstream sport, chances are high it still has a video game.
Trust me, I own EA Sports “Arena Football” on the original Xbox.
Many fans of sports gaming have vastly different opinions and play styles, but one game through history has seemed to bring fans together better than any other production.
The game in question is EA Sports “NCAA/College Football.”
After an 11-year stoppage of the product, the long-awaited revival takes place in a few months’ time.
With 2.5 million views already on hand for the reveal trailer, the excitement Is palpable.
You can bet that Ute, Cougar and Aggie fans alike will be anxiously awaiting the chance to take their favorite teams to the postseason upon release.
For Cougar fans in particular this task may be a bit more time consuming according to someone who has recently played the game.
Matt Brown, writer of the Extra Points Newsletter, has gained quite the following recently for being one of, if not the main, insiders of the new College Football game.
Brown, one of the chosen few who has had hands on experience with the game spent most of yesterday informing others of what it feels like, what they can expect and why this game isn’t a generic football game.
In doing so, he revealed some of the teams he took the field with, BYU amongst them:
Fans were quick to ask for more details on what he experience in a virtual Lavell Edwards Stadium, and Brown shared a bit more:
As fun as it is to hear about the Provo backdrop around the stadium, one couldn’t help but notice that Brown was a bit foreboding about BYU’s ability to compete when the game drops.
Despite saying that ratings and rosters aren’t finalized quite yet, it seems as if EA Sports isn’t about to let the Cougars get away with any respectable rating.
Until the final numbers are in front of us, we can at least as of now expect BYU’s to be less than flattering.
BYU has only posted two losing seasons since 2005, once in 2017 (4-9) and in their Big 12 debut season just last year (5-7, 2-7).
The recent struggles would certainly contribute to a under subpar rating.
That being said we have been able to get eyes on two other Big 12 teams through images of the game to see where they sit:
As one can see, neither West Virginia or Cincinnati was blessed in the rating department.
BYU, despite last years struggles, handled Cincinnati in Provo, but were obliterated in Morgantown.
Based on that logic, maybe BYU sits right in between the Bearcats 78 and the Mountaineers 80 with a 79?
Any theorizing would have to be laid to rest after EA Sports released their gameplay video today:
In the video, a brief moment in time reveals that BYU appears to be settled in at an 87 overall rating, whereas their rival, the Utah Utes, sit at a solid 92 while displaying the play now screen.
Thanks to eagle eyed fans, it seems as if the rating rumors may have been overblown?
Or if we want to drop some theories, the video moves so quickly that the games transition form the Baylor placeholder to the BYU placeholder is so quick, that the 87 could be a remnant of the Bears rating as opposed to the Cougars.
But if we use the same comparison we used for Cincinnati and West Virginia, Baylor lost to both of those teams last year and went 3-9, not much sounding like an 87 overall team.
Point is, the game isn’t released yet, the ratings aren’t final and what Matt Brown witnessed and what the gameplay trailer revealed may be different from one another and ultimately different than what we get in the final product.
The rating mystery will remain until the game drops on July 19th.
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