Picture this.

The year is 2027, the _____ (insert favorite Utah collegiate team name into blank) are headed to the title game in the College Football Playoffs.

You want to go, you need to go, but don’t feel like traveling to Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Los Angeles or Indianapolis.

When considering ticket prices, travel accommodations and the hassle it would take to get there, it often isn’t worth it.

Now let that feeling go.

Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that your favorite football team will be playing for a chance at a title in a revamped playoff format come 2027.

But I can point you in the direction of some exciting news nonetheless.

Recent reports show us that it may be more attainable for fans of college football in the state of Utah to attend that title game in the year of 2027.

Brett McMurphy, College football insider for Action Network, has reported that Las Vegas, Nevada is set to welcome in the 2027 College Football Playoff title game to Sin City.

One of McMurphy’s sources went as far to say that Las Vegas is a “lock to host the 2027 game.”

We now know that this year’s title game will be in Atlanta with Miami following the next season.

After which fans can expect Las Vegas (expected to be formally announced in September per McMurphy’s sources) to take on the mantle.

Las Vegas is an ideal location for a multitude of reasons.

Hotel availability, attractions, easily accessible via flight, and a tourist destination.

Fans have no issue finding their way to Las Vegas to watch their favorite team and take in the luxuries while doing so.

Vegas is also no stranger to seeing Utahns flock by the thousands for these events.

The Pac-12 championship game (RIP) seen Ute faithful lead the majority of attendance in 2021 and 2022.

Even when a Utah team isn’t involved, Utah sports fans are Vegas bound for any big-time event on the regular.

I know plenty within the beehives states boundaries who attended Washington and Oregon’s conference championship game last year.

Utah goes to Raiders games and Golden Knights games on the regular.

Many Utahns are even season ticket holders for these teams.

And come the rare opportunity to see a national championship between the biggest teams in college football, I can promise you they will be there in droves.

Ticket prices will be an entirely different issue, but as far as accessibility goes, your best chance to get to that title game with as little hassle arrives in 2027.

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