HUBBA-HUBBA…Typical Utah Couple According to A.I.
A.I. produced a "typical Utah couple" and here's what I was expecting...
Remember these two jamokes?
Doesn't this look like Utah to you?
She's even holding some essential oils in that picture. She's hosting a kickoff party at her house in Desert Ridge Canyons tonight.
But no, that's not what A.I. thinks of the typical Utah couple.
Here's what A.I. thinks:
Love it!
This is a true Utah couple. They look like our version of American Gothic. Proud. Severe. Capable.
That's what I want, not a couple of airheads who can't change a flat tire like bimbo and mimbo (Jessica and Nick above).
Here's what people thought about the accuracy of the A.I.'s depiction: (full link here)
"To me it looks like Southern Utah, Iron County mostly, for some reason"
"I’ve lived in Utah all my life. Neither person looks like the typical people I see everyday. Maybe rural Utah, but not the Wasatch Front metro."
"Been here since '77. Every tiny lot downtown is a soon-to-be condo pile. Every open space outside of everywhere is a (ridiculously overpriced) house. You should see some of the freeways between 3:30 and 6 pm. Hoomans from Payson to North Ogden now. Out to the Oquirrhs and Stansbury's, too.
They look tired. Must be the 8 kids.
They look disturbingly like my husband and I. Danish, and German/English genes, is maybe why?"
This lady is spot on. This couple looks like somebody we all know and they are the real Utah.
Good job A.I., you creep.