Kids Park Getting Rave Reviews in St. George Utah
There's nothing more painful than being a mom. Not just the labor part but literally just being with kids all day. Can you imagine having to kill 12 hours a day with a couple of these monsters. I understand you can go to McDonald's and get a 64 ounce Coke to make life tolerable for 15-20 minutes, but once that wears off you've got many more minutes to get through and you've already watched three and a half hours of Bluey.
This is why when a new park opens people go insane.
@stgeorge_kids on Instagram is an awesome follow for parents.
This week they highlighted a new park that has an awesome slide:
It's called "Fossil Falls Park" and it looks pretty good.
It's got a bunch of stuff for toddlers, great slides and a big grass field nearby as well.
One commenter had this insight:
"We went tonight and the no bathroom was hard! Hoping they also add garbage cans all over!" (@bailmcdon)
This is stuff I would have never considered...
@pallen2u said:
"My kids played and skim boarded in the river during the summer; This is a great addition considering all the new builds surrounding this area now."
Parks have never been more important in my life and luckily there are new ones popping up all the time around here. It's fantastic.
I'm looking forward to checking it out and follow @stgeorge_kids for great content everyday. And for all the best in park analysis listen to my new podcast "Monkey Barring Around Southern Utah" on Spotify! (Just kidding).
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