NEWSFLASH! Utah Drivers are SHOCKED to Hear This
There was a time when drivers on I-15 would stop and pick up a nice looking hitchhiker. And they'd pick them up because a) the hitchhiker looked like a young Peter Jennings or b) because the driver wanted to be stabbed and dropped out by Kirk's drive-in.
Times have changed. People don't pick up hitchhikers anymore and they also have trouble with what to do in the far left lane.
"Far left lane" is the politically correct way of saying "the passing lane!!!!"
The left lane is for passing!
According to u/mehlinator on Reddit:
"I’m not sure what’s harder. Convincing people that the left lane is for passing, or convincing people that zipper method is the best way to merge"
Do you have this same problem? Are you constantly getting jammed up by someone in the left lane who is "going the speed limit?" Are you the bad guy?
u/satinbluebuggy said:
I thought the left lane was for people who FEEL like they’re driving fast. Just get in that lane and NEVER get out.
Yes! I know this person. Once they get in and pass somebody it's like they earned their left-lane merit badge and they can just stay in there for eternity.
u/sonnyjoon91 said:
"Also as the slow poke in the rightmost lane, bruh you dont have to tailgate me, you have all those lanes for passing, please use them."
Ha! I've become a slower poke in my older age and I agree with this. I understand sometimes there's an exit coming up that they might be getting ready for but for the most part, just pass me.
What are your thoughts on people who camp in the passing lane?
There is Actually a Freeway Under Colorado’s Biggest Airport
Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde