Utah Leads Country in Using this “Curse Word”
Mormons are famous for creating fake curse words. Fetch. Flip. Frick.
But there's one that stands out to me because I've only heard a non-Mormon use it once and it was in the movie Billy Madison.
When Billy and his friends light a bag full of dog poop on fire and put it on an old guys door step, the guy comes out and says:
"Judas Priest! Barbara, it's one of those flaming bags again!"
Now, I understand that using "Judas Priest" as a stand-in to avoid breaking a commandment has it's origin probably well before Mormons and definitely all around the Christian world, but I never hear anybody but Mormons use it.
Do people in the South use it? Do Catholics say it?
Per the r/Christianity sub-Reddit:
Judas Priest is a band name taken from a Bob Dylan song. Its obviously just a random two word name that's come to be popular as a handy non-blasphemous replacement for 'Jesus Christ', in the same way as 'sugar' has come to be used by some people as a replacement for 'shit', and 'fudge' as a replacement for the F-word. There's no other link between the words.
The other thing to consider is that I'm getting old. I don't think kids these days are saying Judas Priest. I think they're saying words like "swell" and "so is your old man" and if so my friends...you got trouble! Yeah you got trouble right here in St. George City! With a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool!
Sorry about that.