Utah Rejoices as Jazz Ban Controversial Uniforms
When the Jazz announced their new uniforms in way of a total rebrand back in June of 2022, fans were less than enthusiastic.
In fact, fans had no enthusiasm. Outside of the Stockton-Malone era classic purple mountain majesties, the other three uniforms were instantly fodder for the fire of fans rage.
The yellow and black had nothing to do with tradition and held no relatability for Jazz fans.
The font size was cartoonishly large, the numbers unmissable.
The font was uninspired, generic and strayed from the traditional aspect of using the J-note in place of the J on “Jazz”.
Then there was the atrocity known as the Icon edition uniform.
The brazen yellow was a shade comparable only to a highlighter., thus begrudgingly being dubbed the “highlighter jerseys”
Wearing one of these would immediately allow you to drive a bus, work construction or jog at night with proper reflection.
As we sit halfway through the second season with this jersey set, no fan I know of would rank this collection anywhere other than last in Jazz uniform history. But there has been a small surge of acceptance.
The black statement jersey has become passable, and the white and yellow trim Association jersey is accepted. Not favorites mind you, but suitable until the Jazz can rebrand once again, which still can’t come soon enough.
The yellow jersey has gained no such favor among Jazz nation, still seen as the scourge of the earth, and the organization has started to take note.
After wearing the uniform in ten of the 82 games in its debut season, we expected another similar result for year two.
In the first half of this season Utah would appear in the jersey only once in what was a 121-105 loss in Portland.
Ever since then, the jersey, just like Talen Horton-Tucker, is no longer in the rotation.
When the second half uniform schedule came out a couple days ago, fans were quick to notice that the Highlighter yellows seems to be dead just as quickly as they arrived.
After 11 total appearances, yucky yellow isn’t even slated to be worn again being flexed out entirely for the rest of the year.
Have we seen the last of the jerseys that make it hard to, see? We can only hope.