Utah’s Most IN SHAPE County is…
Back in the day in Utah when Hot Pockets and Toaster Strudels ruled the day, people got home from work and were like: "I'll be in the den on my dead one until I get woken up by the Conan O'Brien song some time around midnight." And their kids rode their bikes to dance recitals and Junior Jazz. And their neighbors weren't always out jogging.
Nowadays things have changed. People use words like "wellness", "getting my steps in", and "green drink." And they give you looks like: "Hey tubby, I can see that Pinkbox membership card peaking out of your wallet."
And of all the states, Utah seems to be pretty healthy. People are out hiking constantly. They're playing pickleball and drinking 7-8 pounds of soda a day, but it's diet.
The healthiest county in the state is Morgan County.
I don't know why.
According to the Deseret News: (link to full article)
"Morgan County, Utah, is the fourth healthiest community in America, according to the most recent annual rankings by U.S. News & World Report.
What makes Morgan County so healthy? Morgan County rates highest with a score of 100 in the equity category, which includes education, health, income and social equity, according to U.S. News’ methodology.
Morgan also scored high in community vitality, 89; economy, 82; and education, 81. Food and nutrition and housing each received a 76, population health a 75, and public safety was rated 67. Infrastructure and environment were the county’s lowest scores, with 65 and 62, respectively."
Good for Morgan! I look forward to eating at their Taco Bell one day.
It's Time To Admit This Unexplained Utah Structure Is A Big Deal
Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas