Coach Rick Berry Announces Big News On-Air
Full Interview Above
Guest: Desert Hills Head Football Coach Rick Berry
On his decision...
"I have absolutely loved being the coach at Desert Hills. I love the kids. I love the support from the administration. It's just been an awesome couple years for me and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Having said that, I got a phone call a little bit out of the blue, and was offered the defensive coordinator spot at Southern Virginia University. You know, my family and I really had to sit down and talk about it. Obviously, between coaching at Desert Hills and being at Townsquare Media, you know, I couldn't ask for two better things. I had kind of held off people knowing about until just now where I've been able to work out some details with Townsquare Media where I'm going to be able to stay on with them even though I will be back in Virginia for part of the time. I'll be six months here and six months in Virginia, so I feel like I have the best of both worlds."
A clip from the GIU Awards Ceremony in January where Coach Berry won Coach of the Year in 4A Football:
Telling his players at Desert Hills...
"Hardest thing in the world though, Andy, was looking my players in the eyes and saying goodbye to them. So much love and respect for those kids, I'll have memories that will last me a lifetime...I'll remember the kids for the rest of my life."
Why getting back to coaching in college was his goal...
"It's an opportunity to be a football coach and only a football coach. Even though when I'm back here I'll still be able to work and I love my relationships in the community with work here which will continue, but when I'm out there it's 100% football. I just couldn't pass up that opportunity at this time in my life to get back to the college level.
Listen to the full interview above!
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