WTF Happened At The St. George Target?!
This Saturday, I headed over to the St. George Target. I was looking for some pants, and maybe a shirt or two. It was a normal afternoon walking down the aisles until I reached the men's clothing section. It looked a little messy, like maybe people have tried raiding the table that had all the men's shirts on it. Then it got worse... and worse... AND WORSE! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It looked like a BOMB had gone off inside Target.
Women's Shoes Section:
Little Girls Section:
Little Boys Section:
Womens Swimsuit Section:
Men's Section:
Little Kids Shoes Section:
This was one of the VERY FEW times that I've ever left Target without buying anything. It was so scattered and so messy, it was anxiety-inducing! Is this a Target problem? Is this a customer problem? I'm sure it's a little bit of both. Maybe Target needs to start hiring a few more people to help with this mess. Nothing against Burlington or Thrift Shops, but this felt worse than Burlington and Thrift Shops. This was SO MUCH... Too much.
Something interesting happened when I was taking the photos. A woman and her two children spotted me taking photos and asked me if I was filing a report. She told me that she's already filed a report with Target and that this St. George Target has been like this FOR MONTHS! What is going on with Target? Have we just totally given up? It's too bad. Target was always such a nice place to go, and today it left a real sour taste in my mouth.

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