These Baby Names Might Be Illegal In Utah
It's interesting to read that some states have laws in place that prohibit certain baby names. That means that they have dealt with it before. It means that someone in that state has attempted to name their baby the name that is banned.
I feel for law makers who have to explain to parents why they aren't allowed to name their child something explicit or something insensitive or even something that has no meaning . You'd think that parents would understand the reasoning behind it.
In Utah, there are no specific laws about names for your child. They do however say that using figures that are not found on the keyboard will make it harder to receive a birth certificate.
In other states, the laws are more limited. A lot of states require the baby name to be under a certain amount of letters. Arizona allows the most letters in a name. 141 total letters, no more than that.
Some states allow punctuation marks in the name. For example, using an explanation point in the middle of the name, i.e. M!ke. And some states even allow quirky spellings of names, i.e. 1-Der.
Although some states have no laws in place about naming your child, the United States as a whole has deemed some names illegal across the board.
So be smart about the baby name you choose. Remember, your child has to live with the name the rest of their lives!
For a list of banned baby names around the world, see the full report here

15 Old-Timey Baby Names Even Utah Won't Use

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