St. George Featured In New Video Game!
Back in our day there was Atari, Tetris, Mario, Duck Hunt, Donkey Kong, Pong, and more. Today, there are THOUSANDS of different video games for whatever mood you're in! Well, I've just come across a new game called American Truck Simulator: Utah. In this game you literally just pretend you're driving a big rig all across the state! It's actually pretty impressive when you see how they've created these Southern Utah cities! St. George, Cedar City, The Gorge, Kanab, and more!
We start out in the Gorge, which is not technically Utah, but it's still pretty incredible, before making a stop at the Port of Entry on the South side of town.
Next, we're taking I-15 North, we pass the Brigham Road exit in Bloomington, a sign for Dixie State University, and the St. George Boulevard Exit:
Now we're cruising downtown... St. George looks very different, but also very much the same! Somehow the Courthouse got placed next to the Tabernacle off of Main Street! But thank goodness they've included our roundabouts that everybody in town LOVES!
We're jumping back on I-15, where you can see us headed Northbound past the mall! They've included an exit off I-15 which I would LOVE, and apparently the Arctic Circle off Red Cliffs Drive is now a power plant!
And surprise! Now we're in Cedar City aka Festival City, USA!
The Lighthouse is there, and the Cedar City temple can be seen in the distance! The temple has completely moved, somehow but it's still visible!
And before the nighttime hits, and we take a rest at a truck stop, we've also stopped to see Kanab tonight!

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