Utah Ballboy Handed $2.2 Million Sneakers
Some little snot-nosed ballboy was handed a pair of sneakers back in the '90s...that just sold for $2.2 million dollars.
This ballboy worked for the Utah Jazz and after an NBA Finals game, Michael Jordan handed him his game worn shoes and signed them for him as well.
If the kid was a loyal Jazz fan he would have spat on this kind nice gesture! Jordan had just smoked Utah in a playoff game. Why are you glad-handing with the enemy after the loss, ballboy?
Well, it's all worked out.
Per Sotheby's:
Another historic day at #SothebysNewYork! Michael Jordan’s 1998 NBA Finals Game 2 Air Jordan 13s from the famous ‘The Last Dance’ season sold for $2.2 million, setting a new world record for the most valuable sneakers ever sold.
Here's what they look like:
This wasn't even one of Jordan's great games. It wasn't a game six, finals clinching game, or the Flu Game, it was just one of the games he happened to take off his shoes afterwards.
Per the Desert News, "It’s unclear whether that ball boy is the same person who put the shoes up for auction this spring."
So it's possible, that ballboy wasn't the guy who sold them. He may have sold them earlier to get some quick cash and then they appreciated immensely over the years.
I have no sports memorabilia of any value and if I did I wouldn't have the patience to wait 25 years before selling it.
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